Barefoot Yoga Studio offers fun yoga classes in June to August just for kids: invigorating, interactive and imaginative journeys for your child's developing mind, body and spirit.
At Kids Yoga we foster creativity, cooperation, and confidence in a safe environment where all children are perfect just the way they are.
for age 3-8
- Course A1: 6/7-7/12 11am-noon every Monday
- Course B1: 6/9-7/14 330-430pm every Wednesday
- Course C1: 6/12 -7/17 9-10am every Saturday
- Course A2: 7/19-8/23 11am-noon every Monday
- Course B2: 7/21-8/25 330-430pm every Wednesday
- Course C2: 7/24-8/28 9-10am every Saturday
for age 9-12
- Course D1: 6/7-7/12 330-430pm every Monday
- Course E1: 6/9-7/14 11-noon every Wednesday
- Course D2: 7/19-8/23 330-430pm every Monday
- Course E2: 7/21-8/25 11-noon every Wednesday
Let Kids Yoga help your child develop flexibility, focus, an

Classes are taught by experienced yoga teacher and dance artist Wai-mei
All Courses are 6 weeks
Fee: $60 a course or $15 drop in
Pre-registration recommended
Please feel free to drop by our studio for a visit,
Call us or check out our website for more details.
Come play with us!!Contact us at Barefoot Yoga!!